Avoiding costly repairs is always a good thing when it comes to pretty much anything. But auto repairs are an especially wise thing to avoid – not only due to cost, but also convenience and reliability.
Which is why A&B Transmissions in Langley would like to inform you of how you can do so, offering you some tips on how to ‘Extend the Life of Your Transmission and Avoid Costly Repairs’.
Check Your Transmission Fluid – checking your transmission fluid regularly is easy to do, just like checking your oil via the dipstick. If the levels are too low you may have a leak, which should be addressed quickly by a professional transmission mechanic. Otherwise A&B Transmissions will regularly check your fluid levels with your oil change, ensuring it is clear, bright red in colour and have a sweet odor. If you’re noticing it’s murky, dark in colour or has a fishy smell – one of our repair specialists can address that also, as this is an indicator of a concern.
Engine Cooling Service – having your engine cooling system checked and maintained, is also another great way to extend the life of your automatic transmission. Your auto’s cooling system prevents your engine from overheating while keeping your transmission fluid flowing to the gearbox as well. So, keeping your cooling system in check is also another way to help extend the life of your transmission, while keeping your vehicle safe and reliable also.
Transmission Flush – changing your transmission fluid is something our A&B Transmission experts can help you with here in Langley, which should be done once a year, depending on your driving habits. It’s a quick maintenance service and is a great thing to add onto your oil change as needed.
Transmission Filter Change – did you know your automatic transmission might very well have a filter? It’s true; and just like an air filter, it also requires changing. The majority of new vehicles will not have a transmission filter, so be sure to check with your transmission mechanic in Langley.
If your transmission is in need of a checkup – call A&B Transmissions at 604-530-9101, or visit us at 19879 Fraser Highway in Langley
For more information head to -> https://www.www.abtransmissions.com or Surrey Transmission Experts
We look forward to helping you with all your transmission service needs in Langley.