European model vehicle owners quickly come to recognize the need for specific specialty repairs. Which is where A&B Transmissions is here to help – offering such specialty services, and providing our customers with European transmission repairs in Langley and throughout the surrounding communities.
So how do you know if your vehicle requires transmission repairs? Here are the top 5 indicators to help you uncover that!
Whining and Grinding Transmission Noises
Your vehicle may require transmission repairs if you are beginning to hear whining and grinding noises when you shift gears. Such sounds can be the result of mechanical failure or a lack of fluids; either way it should be checked in order to prevent fully losing the ability to shift gears and being stranded on the side of the road.
Your Transmission Shifting Out of Gear on Its Own
Another sign of transmission trouble is when your vehicle pops out of gear from drive into neutral of its own accord. This is clearly a dangerous issue and can also be recognized in automatic vehicles when it shifts in an odd manner. Both concerns can be addressed quickly at A&B Transmissions – and we would be happy to help solve the problem.
A Burning Clutch Odour
If you are smelling a burning clutch odour when you drive your European model vehicle, or any other model for that matter, your transmission is likely in need of replacement – or perhaps just a clutch adjustment could solve the issue, either way, we can help uncover that.
Slow Shifting in Your Automatic Vehicle
Often times car owners think that it is only manual vehicles that require transmission repairs, but automatic vehicles also have issues arise when it comes to it’s transmission too.
If your automatic European model vehicle is trying too hard to shift gears, this can be a sign that you’re low on transmission fluid, and/or a sign of a more serious problem that we can help you solve at our Langley transmission shop.
Leaking Transmission Fluid
Last but definitely not least, if you are experiencing a fluid leak that is rust red in colour – this is transmission fluid, which should be addressed quickly as a lack of transmission fluid can have your vehicle experiencing some of the above mentioned issues.
Prevention is key, and A&B Transmissions has be offering our expert transmission services for European and domestic car owners since 1975 to customers in Langley, Surrey, Cloverdale and throughout the Lower Mainland.
We are conveniently located at 19879 Fraser Highway in Langley, and can be reached at 604 530 9101. We look forward to serving all your transmission and auto repair needs, displaying how our local shop service sets us apart from the “big guys”!