Manual Clutch Repairs in Langley: 3 Signs Your Clutch May Need Repairs

Seeking manual clutch repairs in Langley – or unsure if you do? There are a variety of signs that your clutch may need repairs, which A&B Transmissions would like to help you uncover!

3 Signs Your Clutch May Need Repairs

A worn clutch has many ‘warning signs’, some of which include:

  1. Difficulty shifting gears
  2. Grinding noises when shifting gears
  3. A burning smell that builds during vehicle use

If you are experiencing any of the above, don’t delay in having a diagnostic conducted on your vehicle.

How Often Should You Replace Your Clutch?

How often a manual vehicle owner has to replace their clutch is dependent on various factors. Which is why there is a suggested replacement gap between 80,000-160,000 kilometers.

Some clutches can last longer depending on how the vehicle is used and maintained. But regardless of the when or why; A&B Transmissions can help.

Manual Clutch Repairs in Langley

As mentioned on our manual clutch repair page

In a manual transmission, the clutch is used to engage and disengage the transmission and the engine. The clutch operates two shafts: one shaft connects to the transmission and the other connects to the engine. Clutches use friction to keep the transmission connected to the engine. In a manual transmission, a clutch allows your engine to continue spinning even when the vehicle is stopped. Switching between gears in a vehicle with a manual transmission is made possible by operating the clutch.

Seeking CVT Maintenance or Repairs?

We recently wrote about CVT’s in our post LANGLEY CVT MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS: UNDERSTANDING CVT TECHNOLOGY, stating that…

If you have a continuously variable transmission and are experiencing driving concerns, a transmission fluid change should take place immediately – and we can help.

Although this may not always fix the problem entirely, it the first step in identifying a potential transmission issue, and a way in which we help eliminate concerns while addressing general maintenance too.


Ready to get started on your Manual Clutch Repairs in Langley? Require a clutch diagnostic? Contact us to book your appointment, and allow A&B Transmissions to get you back on the road safely and affordably!